BALANCING Hatha Yoga practice with Aimee
Join Aimee for an centering 65 minute Hatha Yoga practice focused on Twisting postures and core strength, and returning to a sense of balance and connection to self.
Twists unlock Samana Vayu: an equalising energy that supports us returning to equilibrium, whether we are feeling over stimulated (agitated, stressed etc) or under stimulated (low energy, dull, tired) Samana will pull us back into balance
This class includes some dynamic movement (Surya Namaskar) to shift stuck energy along with long holds and plenty of Tapas (moments of spicy challenge undertaken in a calm way), with plenty of modification options. To help you build warmth and presence around the navel center: our physical home of personal power, we use core-focused postures and diaphragmatic breathing.
The practice includes Mantra, Bandha, Pranayama and a meditation on the mantra So Hum. You'll leave feeling balanced: both bright and steady, with a luminous clear min.
Props: blocks if you have them, a folded blanket or something to sit on for meditation. Suitable for all levels.